Rating: 8.6
Happy Price: 4.99
At its core Limbo is a side scrolling puzzle platformer. It's one of those games that redefines what a game actually is. There are only two controls, action and jump that determine how well things are going to play out. Everything else is based on the puzzle thrown in front of you. It creates a unique experience that will test your will and mental ability to solve puzzles while staying coordinated.
The game sits on the fence between a piece of art and a game. The animations are spectacularly done and there are unique death animations for each situation. The solutions for puzzles are usually surrounded by deathtraps, which creates this sense of being in a Saw movie. Any wrong move will result in death. Death is fun though, because there are so many different ways to die and there are animations to support them. You can be crushed, speared, pierced, electrocuted, drown, hit in the head, shot, etc.
There is no dialogue or text to explain the story, the first time the game turns on it begins with gameplay. This is the first game I've played without a splash screen menu. The player wakes up in a forest, and just proceed through the forest, not knowing why they're there or who they are. I guess you are in Limbo in that sense. The black and white art style create a dark mood that is both frightening and soothing. There isn't much to be distracted from, and in this game you have to be focused on everything because death awaits at every corner. The player will die a lot, but the developers describe this game as a "trial and death" game. It's a short game lasting only six hours, but the six hours are densely populated with unique content. I would prefer this over something that drags out like Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse. This game is perfect for someone that works a lot and wants to say they beat a game.
It's game anyone on a budget and tight schedule should check out. If you need a break from fast paced oversensory games like Call of Duty then you should try out this game. It's slower and focuses on a narrative that does not exist, allowing for the player to imagine the narrative through level design. It has personally given me ideas of what to put in my own games, so anyone interested in game development should have this in their library.